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Chickpea Curry for Days

Welcome back to the blog! As promised on our instagram (follow us @theculinarycousins, shameless self promo), we have a chickpea vegetable curry recipe that is perfect when you have a bunch of vegetables hanging around your fridge that need to be used up. You just can't go wrong with a good curry and the great thing about this recipe is that you can modify it however you want by adding any veggies you have kicking around the house nearing their expiration. For this particular batch we used broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, and mushrooms, but you go ahead and toss whatever you have on hand in there and it's bound to turn out deliciously. This is a very forgiving recipe so you can mess around with the measurements and ingredients to make it your own. Every time is different when we make it, so don't sweat it about following the recipe perfectly.

Quick warning: this recipe yields enough food to feed a family of 5 and even then there would probably be leftovers. So if you're making this just for yourself, either consider cutting the recipe in half or be prepared to eat the same meal for a week.


1 cup brown rice (uncooked) or quinoa

1 can of coconut milk (can be full or half fat depending how creamy you want it)

1 can chickpeas

1/2 a white onion

1 tsp grated ginger

1 tbsp minced garlic

2 tbsp coconut oil

2 tbsp red curry paste

3-4 tbsp yellow curry powder (add to taste)

Vegetables: (but use whatever you want/have available)

1 head broccoli

1 bell pepper

1 zucchini

2 large carrots

8 mushrooms

Salt to taste

Let's begin!

First things first, cook your rice or quinoa according to the directions on the package. Rice takes forever to cook so don't forget to get that started right away!

In the largest pan you own, melt the coconut oil over medium heat. Once melted, add in the garlic, onion, and ginger for about 2 minutes while stirring occasionally.

Drain and rinse the chickpeas and add them to the pan. Start by putting in the vegetables that take the longest to cook. For us, this was the carrots first and the broccoli shortly after. Pour roughly 1/2 a cup of water into the pan and cover to let the vegetables steam for about 3-4 minutes.

Once the carrots and broccoli have started to cook, add in the red curry paste. You may need to add more water while you stir in the paste. Now add the rest of your vegetables and the curry powder. Cover again for 4 minutes or until vegetables are almost fully cooked.

Add in your can of coconut milk and stir to combine. This is when you want to do a taste test and see if it needs more curry paste or curry powder. We usually add a little more to give it a spicier kick, but it is up to you and your taste buds to decide how much

Now put some rice in a bowl, drown it in curry and enjoy!

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